Top-Restaurants in The Hague – Aktualisiert 2024 - Eatagram

Den haag Nach Küchenart

The Hague, Netherlands: A Culinary Odyssey to the Heartland of Holland

The Hague, nestled on a stunningly beautiful coastline of  the Northern Sea, is a must-visit for both beach-goes and food enthusiasts. Here, in the heart of Holland, you can explore the diverse Dutch culinary heritage while indulging gorgeous sea views and beholding the city’s architecture. The Hague offers Dutch specialties and an array of international dishes.

Bitterballen are a delicious way to start your gastronomic journey to the hague. This snack is a staple of the diet. Deep-fried balls come with a creamy filling - a mixture of beef or veal ragout. They serve Bitterballen with mustard. Dutch pubs can’t go without Bitterballen  as they’re extremely popular and are the best dish to  introduce Dutch cuisine to the visitors .

Hollandse Nieuwe Haring is a must-try for seafood lovers. It’s raw herring fish, traditionally served with onions and pickles. Herring is the cornerstone of Dutch cuisine and the  Dutch are proud to serve it at their street stalls and fishmongers   for you to savor its fresh taste at.

If you can’t go without soups, try Erwtensoep. It’s a hearty Dutch pea soup which is really good for the colder months. It's a thick and delicious soup featuring split peas, smoked sausage, and vegetables. Erwtensoep is truly the food that warms the soul.

Some Indonesian influence can be traced in the culinary tradition of the Hague, for Indonesia used to be part of its colonial history. Take an opportunity to try Rijsttafel, a fusion of Dutch and Indonesian cuisine. It includes a number of small dishes with various tastes and textures. A true culinary adventure to experience!

Poffertjesor are the best choice for those with a sweet tooth. Tiny Dutch pancakes are light and fluffy.They serve with a powdered sugar and butter topping. What a delightful final note to add to your meal in the Hague!

The city offers myriads of restaurants where you can savor Dutch specialties and international delicacies. Such diversity is the reflection of Dutch traditions and international influences and a great opportunity for new culinary experiences.

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