Forno Kitchen + Bar Bar in Columbus
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American, Pizza, Italian , Cocktail Bars, New American
After a long walk around Short North Arts District, go to this bar and have a rest here. The Italian cuisine is on the menu at Forno Kitchen + Bar. You can always try good Pepperoni, salmon and clam pasta - a special offer of this place. According to the reviewers' opinions, waiters serve tasty waffles, French toasts and strawberry dessert here. It's a must while visiting this spot to drink delicious house wine, draft beer or Moscow mule. Come here and have great espresso, ice tea or juice. Food delivery is an important benefit of this bar. A number of visitors find the staff cool. If you want to experience professional service, you should visit Forno Kitchen + Bar. Prices are found reasonable here. You will appreciate the beautiful decor and enjoyable atmosphere of this place. This spot is ranked 4.5 within the Google grading system.