Many thai food here. All thai food good. Must try deep fried calamary with flour the best in town #sweetSourPorkRibs
Dine in
Meal type
Food: 5
Service: 5
Atmosphere: 5
Recommended dishes
Baked Shrimp with Vermicelli in Clay Pot
Failed the most basic rules in running a restaurant, never allow food serving to stop and it's exactly what we encountered; ordered 4 dishes and the stir fried vege was served within 10 minutes together with the rice, however the next 2 dishes were served after almost 20 minutes counting from the first serving) while the last dish was served another 20 minutes later resulting in us having to start and stop dining while waiting.
Worst of the worst, I ordered iced milk coffee and ge6t served ice coffee (without milk).
For info, there wasn't much guest dining, only 3 tables (1 already finishing, ours + another table of 4 pax) and yet they can't seem to manage.
Dine in
Meal type
Price per person
Food: 3
Service: 1
Atmosphere: 2
Ini adalah resto pertama yg ane kunjungin di dalam mall, tepatnya di Prince Mall...
Restonya lebih ke arah chinese food, dgn berbagai pilihan menu yg umum dijumpai di berbagai oriental resto...
Rekomendasi menu yg ditawarkan di sini ada kerapu yg di-tim gitu, terus ada sop tom yum, udang panggang, cumi panggang, dan juga kepiting lada hitam...
Sementara yg qta order di sini diantaranya udang🦐 goreng tepung, cumi🦑 goreng tepung (dihidangin polos tanpa cocolan sauce yg umum dijumpai di Indo), daging sapi🐮 lok lak, kepiting🦀 lada hitam, kepiting🦀 isi daging, kerapu goreng saos cabai🌶, dan juga mun tahu...
Untuk rasa makanannya overall enak dan cocok di lidah ane (mirip sama di Indo)...
Minumannya ane nyobain blueberry frappe...
Selain itu qta juga nyobain sebotol wine🍾 dr negara Chilli 🇨🇱...
Rasa wine-nya🍸 pahit, ga ada manis2nya...
Untuk harganya sendiri cukup menguras kantong gaes, total qta abis $310,9 US atau setara 4,6 jt (asumsi 1$ = IDR 15 k)...
Top 3 yg paling mahal itu adalah ikan kerapu goreng ($ 42.3), kepiting lada hitam ($ 40), dan wine ($ 45)...
Utk servicenya excellent krn qta dilayanin scr khusus oleh bbrp waiters (mungkin krn qta order lumayan byk + order wine)...
Jd wine-nya dituangin sama waitersnya klo mau nambah...
Dine in
Meal type
Price per person
Food: 4
Service: 5
Atmosphere: 4